Sometimes you need to leave home in order to find it.
I recently read the classic book “The Alchemist” for the first time. In that story, this is a young man who goes on a quest to find his “personal legend.” He learns to follow his heart and to trust the universe to bring him to where he needs to go, which (spoiler warning) ends up being back to where he started. But he needed the entire journey to be able to see “home” with clear eyes and an open heart. I resonated with this a lot because, in a way, this album that released today feels like a homecoming after a long, terrifying, painful, and absolutely beautiful adventure.
”Love Song to Life” is not just the recollections of the homecoming, but an invitation into it. It’s a record that avoids specific dogmas and philosophies and serves as a simple invitation to fall in love with Life as it is right now. This music was written from a place of presence and clarity. It is Awareness calling Awareness. Deep calling the deep. Spirit loving and remembering itself. My hope is that as you listen to it, your deepest heart will be felt and remembered. This record is for sure the most light-hearted and playful that I’ve ever made, but playful in the most sacred sense of the word. We play because in that play we find the true essence of love.
We’ve put everything we have into this record. We sold our last investment property in order to pay for it. We’re all on it. And not just in trying to make it work as a business, but because we see it as a calling. This music is not just entertainment for us. It’s not just our job. It’s how we listen to and flow with the River. It’s our personal legend. I hope you enjoy it.
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